10岁的Josiah Davis因拨打911 救了他昏迷的祖父而获奖。 Ten-year-old Josiah Davis awarded for saving his unconscious grandfather by calling 911.
来自埃尔帕索县的10岁的Josiah Davis因其祖父摔倒和失去知觉时的快速思考和冷静行动,获得了911英雄奖。 Ten-year-old Josiah Davis from El Paso County was awarded the 911 Hero Award for his quick thinking and calm actions when his grandfather fell and lost consciousness. Josiah拨打911,听从指示, 帮助他的家人保持冷静,直到帮助到达为止。 Josiah called 911, followed instructions, and helped keep his family calm until help arrived. 颁奖典礼于他生日后第二天举行, 由当地警长办公室及消防人员组织。 The award ceremony, a surprise, came the day after his birthday and was organized by the local sheriff's office and fire personnel.