一辆皮卡车冲入曼哈顿下东区庆祝 7 月 4 日的人群,造成 3 人死亡,8 人受伤;司机经酒精测试,并不被认为与恐怖主义有关。 3 killed, 8 injured in Manhattan's Lower East Side as pickup truck crashes into 4th of July celebration; driver tested for alcohol, not considered terrorism-related.
一辆皮卡车撞向纽约市曼哈顿下东区一群正在庆祝独立日的人群,造成 3 人死亡,8 人受伤。 3 people were killed and 8 injured when a pickup truck crashed into a group celebrating the Fourth of July in New York City's Manhattan's Lower East Side. 这名福特 F-150 司机由于车速过快,无视停车标志,将车开上了人行道。 The Ford F-150 driver, who had been traveling at high speed, disregarded a stop sign and drove onto the sidewalk. 当局并不认为此次事故与恐怖主义有关,并正在对司机进行酒精检测。 Authorities do not believe the crash was terrorism-related and are testing the driver for possible alcohol use. 调查仍在进行中。 Investigations are ongoing.