纽约州罗切斯特柯达中心外发生的爆炸造成多人死亡,目前正在将其视为潜在的恐怖行为。 An explosion that left many dead outside the Kodak Center in Rochester, New York, is being looked into as a potential act of terror.
元旦那天,纽约罗切斯特柯达中心外发生了一起致命的火灾事故。 A deadly, fiery crash occurred outside the Kodak Center in Rochester, New York, on New Year's Day. 一辆福特 Expedition 撞上了一辆三菱欧蓝德,随后撞上了人行横道上的行人和另外两辆车,造成两人死亡、五人受伤。 Two people were killed and five others were injured after a Ford Expedition struck a Mitsubishi Outlander, which then hit pedestrians in a crosswalk and two other vehicles. 碰撞引发爆炸并引发大火,消防队员花了近一个小时才将其扑灭。 The collision caused an explosion and a large fire that took firefighters nearly an hour to extinguish. 调查人员在现场发现了至少十几个汽油罐,联邦调查局开始调查恐怖主义的可能性。 Investigators found at least a dozen gasoline canisters at the scene, leading the FBI to investigate the possibility of terrorism.