中国天龙三号火箭在河南省进行地面试验时因结构故障意外发射,撞上附近山体并爆炸。 Chinese rocket Tianlong-3 accidentally launched during a ground test in Henan Province due to a structural failure, crashing into a nearby mountain and exploding.
中国天龙三号火箭周日在中国中部河南省巩义市进行地面试验时意外发射。 A Chinese rocket, the Tianlong-3, accidentally launched during a ground test on Sunday in Gongyi city, central China's Henan Province. 该火箭的所有者太空先锋公司在一份新闻稿中表示,此次发射是由于“结构故障”造成的,导致火箭在推进系统接受测试时与测试平台分离。 The rocket's owner, Space Pioneer, stated in a press release that the launch occurred due to a "structural failure," resulting in the rocket separating from its testing platform while its propulsion system was being tested. 火箭升空后撞向附近的一座山并爆炸起火。 The rocket climbed into the air before crashing into a nearby mountain and exploding in flames. 此次核试验未造成人员伤亡,当地政府已在试验前疏散了附近地区。 No injuries were reported, and local authorities had evacuated nearby areas prior to the test.