最高法院缩小了 300 多起国会骚乱案件中联邦妨碍司法法规的适用范围。 Supreme Court narrows federal obstruction statute application in 300+ Capitol riot cases.
最高法院裁定,检察官在指控 2021 年 1 月 6 日袭击国会大厦的数百名暴徒时滥用了妨碍司法公正的法律。 The Supreme Court ruled that prosecutors misused an obstruction law in charging hundreds of rioters who attacked the Capitol on Jan 6, 2021. 该裁决缩小了司法部在 300 多起与国会骚乱有关的案件中使用联邦妨碍司法法规的范围。 The decision narrows the Justice Department's use of a federal obstruction statute in 300+ cases related to the Capitol riot. 这项以 6 比 3 投票通过的裁决提高了指控某人妨碍司法公正的门槛,规定政府必须证明被告损害了官方诉讼中使用的记录、文件或其他物品的可用性或完整性。 The 6-3 ruling raises the bar for charging someone with obstruction, stating that the government must show that the defendant impaired the availability or integrity of records, documents, or other objects used in an official proceeding.