最高法院限制对 1 月 6 日骚乱者的妨碍司法公正的指控,缩小起诉范围。 Supreme Court limits obstruction charges for January 6 rioters, narrowing prosecution scope.
最高法院已判决 1 月 6 日的骚乱者胜诉,限制了可以对他们提出的妨碍司法公正的指控。 The Supreme Court has ruled in favor of a January 6 rioter, limiting the obstruction charges that can be brought against them. 该判决缩小了对国会骚乱相关人员的起诉范围。 The decision narrows the scope of prosecution for those involved in the Capitol riots. 这是针对“1 月 6 日暴乱者”的持续法律诉讼中的一个重要进展。 This comes as an important development in the ongoing legal proceedings against January 6 rioters.