2023 年:爱尔兰农业部在林业上花费了 7380 万欧元,其中阔叶树种植率首次超过针叶树种植率,主要在罗斯康芒和戈尔韦。 2023: Ireland's Department of Agriculture spent €73.8m on forestry, with 54% broadleaves exceeding conifer planting for the first time, primarily in Roscommon and Galway.
2023 年,爱尔兰农业部在林业上花费了 7380 万欧元,其中 54% 的人工林为阔叶树,首次超过针叶树的种植。 2023 saw €73.8m spent by Ireland's Department of Agriculture on forestry, with 54% of planted forests being broadleaves, marking the first time this exceeded conifer planting. 罗斯康芒和戈尔韦的造林最为显著。 Roscommon and Galway had the most significant afforestation. 林业就业人数从 2016 年的 2,468 人下降到 2022 年的 2,138 人,而自 1980 年以来已向 24,000 名土地所有者发放了建立新林业的补助金。 Employment in forestry fell from 2,468 in 2016 to 2,138 in 2022, while grants have been paid to 24,000 landowners to establish new forestry since 1980.