澳大利亚政府为塔斯马尼亚大学管理的防火林业项目拨款1 000万美元。 Australian government allocates $100m for fire-resilient forestry projects managed by University of Tasmania.
澳大利亚政府拨款1亿美元支持由塔斯马尼亚大学澳大利亚森林和木材创新研究所管理的新林业项目。 The Australian government has allocated $100 million to support new forestry projects, managed by the University of Tasmania's Australian Forest and Wood Innovations Institute. 该倡议旨在发展防火种植园,并加强该国的林业。 The initiative aims to develop fire-resilient plantations and enhance the country's forest industries. 农村记者Alexander Nimmo在采访澳大利亚森林产品协会首席执行官Diana Hallam时分享了资金的详细情况。 Funding details were shared in an interview with Diana Hallam, CEO of the Australian Forest Products Association, by rural reporter Alexander Nimmo.