爱尔兰拨款5 500万欧元帮助企业减少碳排放,援助400多家公司。 Ireland allocates €55M to help businesses reduce carbon emissions, aiding over 400 companies.
爱尔兰企业已核准5 500多万欧元,以帮助爱尔兰企业减少碳排放,转向低碳经济。 Enterprise Ireland has approved over €55 million to help Irish businesses cut carbon emissions and move to a low-carbon economy. 自2022年6月以来,这项资金资助了400多家公司,估计减少了130,000吨CO2排放量。 Since June 2022, this funding has supported over 400 companies, resulting in an estimated reduction of 130,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions. 这些资金旨在协助公司,特别是大型工业排放者实现2030年减排目标。 The funds aim to assist companies, especially large industrial emitters, in meeting the 2030 emissions reduction target.