在肯尼亚内罗毕,警方向反对增税的抗议者发射实弹,造成至少8人死亡。 In Nairobi, Kenya, police fired live ammunition against anti-tax hike protesters, causing at least eight deaths.
周二,在肯尼亚内罗毕,警方使用实弹对付反对增税提议的反政府抗议者。 On Tuesday in Nairobi, Kenya, police used live ammunition against anti-government protesters demonstrating against proposed tax hikes. 国际特赦组织驻肯尼亚发言人马蒂亚斯·金约达称,冲突中至少造成 8 人死亡。 At least eight deaths occurred during the clashes, according to Amnesty International's spokesperson in Kenya, Mathias Kinyoda.