2021年前五个月,中国规模以上工业利润同比增长3.4%,其中装备制造业增长11.5%,但大宗商品制造业利润下滑。 China's industrial profits rose 3.4% YoY in the first five months of 2021, with equipment manufacturing up 11.5%, but commodity producers faced a decline.
国家统计局数据显示,2021年前五个月,中国规模以上工业利润同比增长3.4%,较前四个月4.3%的增幅略有下降。 China's industrial profits rose by 3.4% year-on-year in the first five months of 2021, as per the National Bureau of Statistics, marking a slight decrease from the 4.3% increase in the first four months. 装备制造业利润增长明显,同比增长11.5%,对整体增长的贡献率为3.6个百分点。 Equipment manufacturing experienced a significant increase with profits rising 11.5% YoY, contributing 3.6ppts to overall growth.