警察在庞卡市的抢劫案中寻找嫌疑人;从商店和加油站拿走现金、电话。 Police seek suspect in Ponca City robberies; took cash, phones from store and gas station.
Ponca市警方正在搜寻一名涉嫌在12月1日实施两起武装抢劫的嫌疑人。 Police in Ponca City are searching for a suspect who committed two armed robberies on Dec. 1. 嫌疑人戴着红色口罩、连帽衫、运动裤和蓝色手套,抢劫了西高地大道的一家便利店和第四街的一家加油站,抢走了现金和手机。 The suspect, wearing a red mask, hoodie, sweatpants, and blue gloves, robbed a convenience store on West Highland Avenue and a gas station on 4th Street, taking cash and cellphones. 在这两起事件中,疑犯都从小巷逃跑。 The suspect fled through an alley in both incidents. 警察正在要求公众帮助查明嫌疑人,并设置了匿名举报热线,可能给予奖励。 The police are asking for public help in identifying the suspect and have set up an anonymous tip line with a potential reward.