法国总统埃马纽埃尔·马克龙和非洲领导人启动了一项耗资 10 亿美元的“非洲疫苗生产加速器”项目,以加快非洲的疫苗推广。 French President Emmanuel Macron and African leaders launched a $1bn project, the African Vaccine Manufacturing Accelerator, to speed up vaccine rollout in Africa.
由于新冠疫情暴露出疫苗接种不平等问题,法国总统埃马纽埃尔·马克龙与非洲领导人共同启动了一项 10 亿美元的项目,加速非洲疫苗接种工作。 French President Emmanuel Macron joined African leaders to launch a $1bn project accelerating vaccine rollout in Africa, as COVID-19 exposed vaccine access inequalities. 非洲疫苗生产加速器将为制造商提供财政激励。 The African Vaccine Manufacturing Accelerator will provide financial incentives to manufacturers. 该倡议旨在帮助非洲更好地应对未来的流行病,卫生专家预测这些流行病是不可避免的。 The initiative aims to help Africa better prepare for future pandemics, with health experts predicting they are inevitable.