卧龙岗地方法院因盗窃洗衣物品判处詹姆斯约翰亨利奈莫 12 个月监禁。 Wollongong Local Court sentenced James John Henry Naimo to 12 months in custody for laundry theft.
卧龙岗地方法院因洗衣盗窃罪判处詹姆斯约翰亨利奈莫 12 个月监禁。 Wollongong Local Court sentenced James John Henry Naimo to 12 months in custody for a laundry theft. 奈莫曾被控超过 130 项罪名,包括类似的财产盗窃等,他对自己的判决表示难以置信,治安法官迈克尔·翁 (Michael Ong) 则强调,这为奈莫提供了一个改变其行为的机会。 Naimo, who has a history of more than 130 charges, including similar thefts of property, expressed disbelief at his sentence, prompting Magistrate Michael Ong to emphasize the opportunity it represented to change his behavior. 最新一轮盗窃案发生在奈莫假释出狱后不久。 The latest spree of thefts began shortly after Naimo's release from jail on parole.