39岁的Shanel Tofaeono因参与涉及悉尼抢劫的2.8M美元保险欺诈计划而被判处4年7个月监禁。 39-year-old Shanel Tofaeono sentenced to 4 years, 7 months for role in $2.8M insurance fraud scheme involving staged Sydney robbery.
39岁的Shanel Tofaeono因在2022年1月在悉尼一家豪华珠宝店进行蓄意抢劫的280万美元的保险欺诈计划中扮演的角色,被判处最多四年零七个月的徒刑。 Shanel Tofaeono, 39, was sentenced to a maximum of four years and seven months in prison for his role in a $2.8 million insurance fraud scheme involving a staged robbery at a luxury jewellery store in Sydney in January 2022. 被捕认罪的六人中唯一一人Tofaeono对于使抢劫成为真实至关重要。 Tofaeono, the only one of six arrested to plead guilty, was crucial in making the robbery appear real. 其他被告包括珠宝商米歇尔·格尔曼尼将于2025年5月面临审判. The remaining defendants, including jeweller Michel Germani, will go to trial in May 2025.