包括Monika Singh在内的三名前NAB雇员因试图偷20M美元而被判有罪,但避免了入狱。 Three former NAB employees, including Monika Singh, were convicted of trying to steal $20M but avoided jail.
Monika Singh领导的三名前澳大利亚国家银行(NAB)雇员避免了试图利用内部程序盗窃2 000万美元以上的监禁时间。 Three former National Australia Bank (NAB) employees, led by Monika Singh, avoided jail time for attempting to steal over $20 million using internal processes. 在2018年至2020年期间,他们被判犯有19项与欺诈有关的罪行,但银行并未因工作人员干预而损失任何资金。 They were convicted of 19 fraud-related offenses between 2018 and 2020, but the bank did not lose any money due to staff intervention. 刑期从两年半到三年不等,但法官将判决转交法院评估,以确定可能的家庭拘留和社区服务。 Sentences ranged from two-and-a-half to three years, but the judge referred them for assessment for potential home detention and community service. 案件将于3月21日回到法院。 The case will return to court on March 21.