47 岁的窃贼尼古拉斯·威尔科克 (Nicholas Wilcock) 在北威尔士的尤洛 (Ewloe) 和康纳码头 (Connah's Quay) 犯下多项罪行,被判处 6.5 年监禁。 Burglar Nicholas Wilcock, 47, sentenced to 6.5 years in prison for multiple crimes in Ewloe and Connah's Quay, North Wales.
47岁的窃贼尼古拉斯·威尔科克(Nicholas Wilcock)在北威尔士的尤洛(Ewloe)和康纳码头(Connah's Quay)地区因入室盗窃、欺诈和盗窃等多项罪名被判处六年半监禁,给社区造成困扰。 47-year-old burglar Nicholas Wilcock was sentenced to six-and-a-half years in prison for multiple crimes including burglary, fraud, and theft in the Ewloe and Connah's Quay areas of North Wales, causing distress to the communities. 地区督察韦斯·威廉姆斯赞扬了这一结果,并强调了报告可疑活动的重要性。 District Inspector Wes Williams praised the result and emphasized the importance of reporting suspicious activity. 威尔科克广泛的犯罪历史得到了优先考虑公共安全的法官的认可。 Wilcock's extensive criminal history was acknowledged by the judge who prioritized public safety.