美国海军在也门与伊朗支持的胡塞叛军展开激烈战斗,影响红海航运。 U.S. Navy fights intense combat against Iran-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen, affecting Red Sea shipping.
美国海军正在也门与伊朗支持的胡塞叛军展开激烈战斗,这是第二次世界大战以来最重大的海战。 The U.S. Navy is engaged in an intense combat against Iran-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen, marking the most significant sea battle since World War II. 以美国为首的针对胡塞叛军的军事行动导致红海地区几乎每天都有超过 50 艘船只遭到袭击,造成通往苏伊士运河的重要通道航运量下降。 The U.S.-led campaign against the Houthi rebels has led to near-daily attacks on more than 50 vessels in the Red Sea, causing a drop in shipping traffic in the crucial corridor to the Suez Canal. 胡塞叛军升级的武器,包括无人机、导弹和其他先进武器,对海军维护国际水道通道的使命构成挑战。 The Navy's mission to maintain international waterway access is challenged by the Houthi rebels' upgraded weaponry, including drones, missiles, and other advanced weaponry.