康纳·麦格雷戈的公司 G Boppers Ltd 撤回对芬格尔郡议会拒绝在都柏林霍斯建造一座 35 间卧室的酒店规划许可的上诉。 Conor McGregor's firm, G Boppers Ltd, withdraws appeal against Fingal County Council's refusal of planning permission for a 35-bedroom hotel in Howth, Dublin.
在当地人的反对下,康纳·麦格雷戈的公司 G Boppers Ltd 决定不上诉芬戈尔郡议会拒绝在都柏林郡北部的霍斯建造一座拥有 35 间卧室的酒店的决定。 Conor McGregor's firm, G Boppers Ltd, has decided not to appeal Fingal County Council's decision to refuse planning permission for a 35-bedroom hotel in Howth, north Co Dublin, amid local opposition. 该计划包括拆除部分四层和部分两层的建筑,并建造部分五层和部分四层的联排建筑。 The plans included demolishing a part four-storey and part two-storey building and constructing a part five-storey and part four-storey terraced building. 该公司现在可以提交该场地的修改计划。 The firm can now submit revised plans for the site.