爱尔兰理事会拒绝Conor McGregor的大型豪宅计划, 因为当地的发展顾虑。 Irish council rejects Conor McGregor's plan for a large mansion due to local development concerns.
爱尔兰Kildare县议会拒绝Conor McGregor建造一座32,693平方英尺的豪宅的计划, Kildare County Council in Ireland has rejected Conor McGregor's plans to build a 32,693 sq ft mansion with a cinema, bar, and two swimming pools, replacing his current five-bedroom home. 该理事会因规模和设计不符合地方发展计划而予以拒绝。 The council refused due to the scale and design not complying with local development plans. McGregor在2019年以300万欧元购买了该房产,因此可以对这一决定提出上诉。 McGregor, who bought the property for €3 million in 2019, can appeal the decision.