都柏林上诉委员会批准了 Harry Crosbie 的酒店项目,驳回了当地政客的上诉。 Dublin's appeal board approves hotel project by Harry Crosbie, rejecting local politician's appeal.
都柏林的规划上诉委员会已经批准了 Harry Crosbie 在 Vicar Street 的酒店项目,使 TD Maire Devine 因技术错误而提出的上诉无效。 Dublin's planning appeal board has approved Harry Crosbie's hotel project on Vicar Street, invalidating an appeal by TD Maire Devine due to a technical error. Devine虽然失望,但计划继续为她所在的社区进行宣传。 Devine, though disappointed, plans to continue advocating for her community. Crosbie以在都柏林开发主要场地而著称,其目的是用旅馆来振兴该地区,旅馆正在等待投资者,然后才能开始施工。 Crosbie, known for developing major venues in Dublin, aims to revitalize the area with the hotel, which is awaiting an investor before construction can begin.