保加利亚的 GERB-UDF 联盟赢得议会选举,获得国民议会 68 个席位。 Bulgaria's GERB-UDF coalition wins parliamentary elections, securing 68 seats in the National Assembly.
保加利亚中央选举委员会称,保加利亚提前举行的议会选举结果为,GERB-UDF 联盟获胜,赢得 240 个国民议会席位中的 68 个。 Bulgaria's early parliamentary elections resulted in a victory for the GERB-UDF coalition, winning 68 seats in the 240-member National Assembly, according to the Central Election Commission. GERB-UDF 需要至少两个联盟伙伴来组建内阁。 GERB-UDF will need at least two coalition partners to form the cabinet. 争取权利与自由运动党(MRF)获得 47 个席位,而亲西方的我们继续变革党(PP)获得 39 个席位。 The Movement for Rights and Freedoms (MRF) secured 47 seats, while the pro-Western bloc We Continue the Change (PP) gained 39 seats.