保加利亚总统要求GERB党在大选后组成一个脆弱的联盟政府。 Bulgaria's President asks GERB party to form a government with a fragile coalition post-election.
保加利亚总统已责成中右翼GERB党在10月的议会选举支离破碎后组成新政府。 Bulgaria's President has tasked the center-right GERB party with forming a new government, following fragmented parliamentary elections in October. GERB赢得69个席位,但多数党需要联盟。 GERB won 69 seats but needs a coalition for a majority. 候任总理罗森·泽利亚兹科夫提议成立内阁,其中包括亲俄罗斯社会党和一个民粹团体。 Prime Minister-designate Rosen Zhelyazkov proposed a Cabinet, including the pro-Russia Socialist Party and a populist group. 联盟需要议会批准才能稳定国家,目的是采用欧元和管理欧盟资金。 The coalition needs parliamentary approval to stabilize the country, which aims to adopt the euro and manage EU funds. 如果成功,这将确保一个稳定的政府;失败可能导致新的选举。 If successful, this will secure a stable government; failure could lead to new elections.