美国国务院解除对乌克兰亚速旅的武器和训练禁令,认为不存在侵犯人权行为。 US State Department lifts ban on arms and training for Ukraine's Azov Brigade, reviewing no human rights violations.
美国国务院解除了向乌克兰亚速旅提供美国武器和训练的禁令,该部队曾与极右翼团体有联系。 The US State Department has lifted a ban on providing American weapons and training to Ukraine's Azov Brigade, a unit with a history of ties to far-right groups. 经过审查,没有发现该旅侵犯人权的证据,随后做出了这一决定。 The decision was made following a review that found no evidence of human rights violations by the brigade. 该部队已编入乌克兰国民警卫队,在保卫主要港口城市马里乌波尔的行动中发挥了关键作用。 The unit has been incorporated into Ukraine's National Guard and played a key role in the defense of the major port city of Mariupol.