在审查了乌克兰亚速旅(现为第 12 特种部队旅)侵犯人权行为后,美国解除了向其提供武器和训练的禁令。 The US lifted a ban on providing weapons and training to Ukraine's Azov Brigade, now the 12th Special Forces Brigade, after vetting for human rights abuses.
美国解除了对乌克兰重要军事单位亚速旅提供美国武器和训练的禁令,该部队是乌克兰防御的重要组成部分。 The US has lifted a ban on providing American weapons and training to a high-profile Ukrainian military unit, the Azov Brigade, which has been a key part of Ukraine's defense. 亚速旅已被吸收入乌克兰国民警卫队,成为第 12 特种部队旅。 The Azov Brigade has been absorbed into Ukraine's National Guard as the 12th Special Forces Brigade. 美国国务院采用了莱希审查程序,发现“没有证据表明第十二亚速旅犯下了严重侵犯人权的行为(GVHR)。” The State Department applied the Leahy vetting process and found "no evidence of Gross Violations of Human Rights (GVHR) committed by the 12th Brigade Azov". 此举旨在帮助亚速旅摆脱极右翼运动的名声。 The move is intended to help the Azov Brigade move beyond its reputation as a far-right movement.