24 岁女子险些受伤;巨石砸碎了悉尼西南部汽车挡风玻璃;警方寻求公众帮助并没收巨石进行法医检验。 24-year-old woman narrowly escapes injury; large rock crashes through car windscreen in Sydney's southwest; police seek public assistance and seize rock for forensic exam.
在悉尼西南部,一块大石头砸碎了一名 24 岁女子的汽车挡风玻璃,她侥幸躲过了重伤。 24-year-old woman narrowly escapes serious injury when a large rock crashes through her car's windscreen in Sydney's southwest. 据信这块岩石是从雷夫斯比亨利·劳森大道上一处 25 米高的悬崖上掉下来的。 The rock was believed to be dropped from a 25-meter cliff overlooking the road on Henry Lawson Drive, Revesby. 新南威尔士州警方正在呼吁公众提供帮助,并已扣押了这块岩石进行法医检验,并敦促知情人士联系班克斯敦警局或犯罪热线。 NSW Police are appealing for public assistance and have seized the rock for forensic examination, urging those with information to contact the Bankstown Police Area Command or Crime Stoppers.