巴基斯坦俾路支省桑贾迪市一处煤矿造成11名矿工因一氧化碳窒息死亡。 11 miners died from carbon monoxide suffocation in a coal mine in Sanjadi, Balochistan, Pakistan.
巴基斯坦俾路支省桑贾迪市一处煤矿因一氧化碳气体泄漏导致11名矿工窒息死亡。 11 miners died from suffocation due to carbon monoxide gas emissions in a coal mine in Sanjadi, Balochistan, Pakistan. 当局正在努力将遗体安全运回斯瓦特的家人身边。 Authorities are working to safely repatriate the bodies to their families in Swat. 省政府立即展开调查,以确定确切原因并防止将来再次发生此类事件,并强调采矿业需要制定更严格的安全规程。 The provincial government initiated an immediate investigation to determine the exact cause and prevent future occurrences, emphasizing the need for stricter safety protocols in the mining industry.