议会敦促为青少年安全制定电子烟法律,禁止国内制造、供应、广告和商业拥有非治疗性电子烟。 Parliament urged to enact vaping laws for youth safety, banning domestic manufacture, supply, advertising, and commercial possession of non-therapeutic vapes.
议会敦促颁布电子烟法以保障青少年安全;法律旨在禁止国内制造、供应、广告和商业拥有非治疗性电子烟。 Parliament urged to enact vaping laws for youth safety; laws aim to ban domestic manufacture, supply, advertising, and commercial possession of non-therapeutic vapes. AMA 主席 Steve Robson 教授敦促国会议员支持立法,称电子烟的兴起是一个重大的健康问题,因为年轻人会对尼古丁上瘾并转向卷烟。 AMA President Professor Steve Robson urges MPs to support legislation, citing the rise of vapes as a significant health concern with youths becoming addicted to nicotine and transitioning to cigarettes. 澳大利亚吸烟与健康委员会呼吁议员听取健康专家的意见,反对大型烟草公司的支持电子烟的运动。 The Australian Council on Smoking and Health calls on parliamentarians to listen to health experts and stand against big tobacco's pro-vaping campaigns.