明尼阿波利斯一名警察在接到枪击电话时遭伏击身亡;调查仍在进行中。 Minneapolis police officer killed in ambush while responding to shooting call; investigation ongoing.
明尼阿波利斯警察局局长与各位警员一样,对一名警员遭到伏击身亡表示悲痛,该警员在接到枪击报警电话时遭枪击身亡。 Minneapolis Police Chief grieves alongside officers over the ambush death of a fellow police officer, who was fatally shot while responding to a shooting call. 目前正在调查该警官的死亡,目前还没有关于嫌疑人或动机的更多信息。 The officer's death is currently under investigation, with no additional information on suspects or motives available at present. 这一悲剧事件凸显了执法人员在执行任务时面临的危险。 The tragic incident underscores the dangers faced by law enforcement officers in their line of duty.