DeSoto警官在911威胁发生后拿刀子接近他后开枪杀人。 DeSoto police officer shoots and kills man after he approached with knives following 911 threat.
一名DeSoto警官在拨打911威胁要伤害警察并声称持有武器后,开枪打死了26岁的Arthur Lee Armstrong Jr. A DeSoto police officer fatally shot 26-year-old Arthur Lee Armstrong Jr. after he called 911 threatening to harm police and claimed to be armed. 阿姆斯特朗一到,就用两把刀接近军官,无视命令将其放下。 Upon arrival, Armstrong approached officers with two knives, ignoring commands to drop them. 该名警官开了一枪,击中了阿姆斯特朗的胸部;他后来在医院死亡。 The officer fired a single shot, hitting Armstrong in the chest; he later died at the hospital. 在大草原警察局和达拉斯县地方检察官办公室对事件进行调查期间,该警官正在休带薪行政假。 The officer is on paid administrative leave while the incident is under investigation by the Grand Prairie Police Department and the Dallas County District Attorney's Office. 更详细情况将在星期一的新闻发布会上提供。 More details will be provided at a press conference on Monday.