芝加哥警察受伤,嫌疑人德克斯特·里德在洪堡公园一个交通堵塞后的枪战中被杀。 Chicago police officer injured, suspect Dexter Reed killed during a shootout following a traffic stop in Humboldt Park.
在洪堡公园附近的一个交通堵塞后的枪战中,一名芝加哥警察受伤,一名 26 岁嫌疑人德克斯特·里德 (Dexter Reed) 被打死。 A Chicago police officer was injured and a 26-year-old suspect, Dexter Reed, was killed during a shootout following a traffic stop in the Humboldt Park neighborhood. 该警官手腕中弹后情况良好,其他四名警官已住院观察。 The officer is in good condition after being shot in the wrist, while four other officers were hospitalized for observation. 枪击检测系统检测到超过 50 发子弹,并在现场起获一把枪支。 Over 50 rounds were detected by a gunshot-detection system, and a firearm was recovered at the scene. 芝加哥警察局局长。 Chicago Police Supt. 拉里·斯内林表示希望受伤警官能够康复,警察问责民事办公室正在调查这一事件。 Larry Snelling expressed hope for the wounded officer's recovery, and the Civilian Office of Police Accountability is investigating the incident.