一名 19 岁的少年因在萨斯卡通市公交车上发生争执而被捕;这是本月第四起事件。 19-year-old arrested for altercation on Saskatoon city bus; fourth incident this month.
一名 19 岁的少年在萨斯卡通市公交车上打架后被捕;这是本月第四起公交车事故。 19-year-old arrested after fight on Saskatoon city bus; fourth bus incident this month. 萨斯卡通市一辆公交车上发生三名男子争吵,其中一名男子对未成年女孩做出不当言语。 An altercation occurred on a Saskatoon city bus involving three men, with one making inappropriate verbal advances towards underage girls. 这是五月以来本市公交车上发生的第四起暴力事件。 This marks the fourth violent incident on city buses in May. 该嫌疑人在被捕期间向警察脸上吐口水,面临袭警和未遵守释放条件的指控。 The suspect, who spit in an officer's face during arrest, faces charges for assaulting a police officer and failure to comply with release conditions.