12月,在限制行动期间,72人在Warwickshire因饮酒或吸毒而被捕。 In December, 72 people were arrested for drink or drug driving in Warwickshire during Operation Limit.
12月,在限制行动期间,72人在Warwickshire因饮酒或吸毒而被捕。 In December, 72 people were arrested in Warwickshire for drink or drug driving during Operation Limit. 逮捕行动包括一名卡车司机在M40上转弯,另一名司机在A46上造成碰撞,并遭到五年禁令。 Arrests included a lorry driver who swerved on the M40 and another driver who caused a collision on the A46 and received a five-year ban. Si Paull督察强调执行法律清除危险驾驶员的重要性,并警告说,唯一的安全选择不是喝酒开车。 Inspector Si Paull stressed the importance of enforcing laws to remove dangerous drivers and warned that the only safe option is not to drink and drive.