12+和7+倍以上:爱尔兰警察在酒精和毒品限制方面严重逮捕了多名司机,敦促公众保持警惕。 12+ and 7+ times over: Irish Gardaí arrest multiple drivers severely over alcohol and drug limits, urging public vigilance.
上周末,爱尔兰莱特肯尼的 Gardaí 逮捕了多名犯有严重酒精和毒品犯罪的司机。 Over the weekend, Gardaí in Letterkenny, Ireland, arrested multiple drivers for severe alcohol and drug offenses. 发现一名驾驶员超过法定限制12倍,另一名驾驶员超过法定限制7倍。 One motorist was found to be 12 times over the legal limit, while another was seven times over. 此外,包括大麻和可卡因在内的2名司机的药物检测呈阳性。 Additionally, two drivers tested positive for drugs, including cannabis and cocaine. 当局正在敦促公众避免在这种影响下驾车,并报告任何涉嫌酗酒或吸毒的驾驶事件。 Authorities are urging the public to avoid driving under the influence and to report any suspected drink or drug driving incidents. 其后果可能是毁灭性的。 The consequences can be devastating.