尽管特朗普被判有罪,但共和党巨额捐赠者仍然支持特朗普的连任竞选。 Republican mega-donors remain supportive of Trump's re-election campaign despite his guilty verdict.
唐纳德·特朗普在刑事审判中被判有罪,但巨额捐赠者仍不为所动,共和党巨额捐赠者充满活力,随时准备支持特朗普的连任竞选。 Megadonors remain unfazed by Donald Trump's guilty verdict in his criminal trial, with Republican mega-donors energized and ready to support Trump's re-election campaign. 尽管特朗普的 34 项伪造商业记录罪名全部成立,但他的支持者认为,判决结果对他们的支持率影响不大。 Despite being found guilty on all 34 counts of falsifying business records, Trump's supporters believe the verdict will have little impact on their support. 一些人甚至预测这可能会促进他的竞选活动。 Some even predict it could boost his campaign. 这种团结的表现导致特朗普竞选连任的资金增加。 This show of solidarity has led to an increase in funding for Trump's re-election bid.