NBC 新闻民意调查显示特朗普领先于拜登。 NBC News poll shows Trump ahead of Biden.
NBC 新闻的最新民意调查显示,在一场假设的大选对决中,前总统特朗普在登记选民中领先现任总统乔·拜登 5 个百分点。 The latest NBC News poll puts former President Trump ahead of current President Joe Biden by 5 points among registered voters in a hypothetical general-election match-up. 然而,如果特朗普今年被判有罪并被判犯有重罪,拜登将以 45% 至 43% 的微弱优势领先。 Yet, if Trump were found guilty and convicted of a felony this year, Biden narrowly leads 45-43 percent. Morning Consult/彭博社的民意调查显示,如果特朗普被定罪,摇摆州的大多数选民不会投票给他。 The Morning Consult/Bloomberg poll reveals that a majority of voters in swing-states would not vote for Trump if he were convicted. 如果他入狱,这些数字只会略有增加。 These numbers increased only slightly if he were to go to jail. 特朗普的两起刑事案件可能会在大选前做出判决,这可能会影响结果。 Two of Trump's criminal cases may have a verdict before the election, potentially impacting the results.