FBI 的秘密手机公司诱骗罪犯使用加密手机,从而将他们逮捕。 FBI's covert cell phone company tricked criminals into using encrypted phones, leading to their arrest.
FBI 的秘密手机公司诱骗犯罪分子使用其设计的加密手机,从而使涉案犯罪分子陷入真正的监狱。 FBI's covert cell phone company tricked criminals into using encrypted phones designed by the FBI, leading to real jail cells for the criminals involved. 这项行动类似于硅谷的一家初创企业,为黑社会创建技术平台。 The operation, akin to a Silicon Valley start-up, involved creating a tech platform for the criminal underworld. 这次大规模的诱捕行动让人们前所未有地了解到地下犯罪活动及其对技术的使用情况。 This massive sting operation provided an unprecedented view into the criminal underground and their use of technology.