欧洲当局拆除了犯罪分子使用的加密短信服务矩阵,导致逮捕和服务器关闭。 Authorities in Europe dismantled the encrypted messaging service Matrix, used by criminals, leading to arrests and server shutdowns.
荷兰和法国当局拆除了犯罪分子用来贩运毒品和武器以及洗钱的加密信息服务矩阵。 Dutch and French authorities dismantled the encrypted messaging service Matrix, used by criminals for drug and arms trafficking, and money laundering. 为期三个月的调查以33种语言截获了230万条信息,导致法国和西班牙逮捕,法国和德国服务器关闭。 The three-month investigation intercepted over 2.3 million messages in 33 languages, leading to arrests in France and Spain and server shutdowns in France and Germany. 该服务是在一个与谋杀一名荷兰犯罪记者有关的被定罪凶手的手机上发现的。 The service was discovered on a convicted killer's phone linked to the murder of a Dutch crime reporter.