51 岁的阿努普·纳拉扬 (Anup Narayan) 被指控在新威斯敏斯特进行多项猥亵行为和暴露;警方正在寻找更多受害者。 51-year-old Anup Narayan is charged with multiple indecent acts and exposure in New Westminster; police seek additional victims.
一名萨里男子因在新威斯敏斯特家外进行六个月的猥亵行为而面临多项指控。 Surrey man faces multiple charges after six months of indecent acts outside New Westminster home. 51 岁的阿努普·纳拉扬 (Anup Narayan) 被指控三项猥亵行为和一项对 16 岁以下未成年人暴露罪。 51-year-old Anup Narayan is charged with three counts of indecent act and one count of exposure to a person under 16. 警方收到了多起有关该嫌疑人的报告,有人看到他一边自慰一边偷看住所。 Police received numerous reports of the suspect, who was seen masturbating while peering into the residence. 新威斯敏斯特警方认为低陆平原地区可能还有其他受害者。 New Westminster Police believe there may be additional victims in the Lower Mainland.