来自艾伯塔省布鲁尔的 18 岁少年塞缪尔·赫温斯 (Samuel Hewins) 面临多项性侵犯指控,包括故意伪装、性干扰和,针对 Hinton 和 Edson 的女性。 18-year-old Samuel Hewins from Brule, Alberta faces multiple sexual assault charges, including disguise with intent, sexual interference, and voyeurism, targeting women in Hinton and Edson.
来自艾伯塔省布鲁尔的 18 岁少年塞缪尔·赫温斯 (Samuel Hewins) 面临多项性侵犯指控,包括故意伪装、性干扰和。 18-year-old Samuel Hewins from Brule, Alberta faces multiple sexual assault charges, including disguise with intent, sexual interference, and voyeurism. Hewins据称以Hinton和Edson的多名妇女为目标,强迫她们脱下裤子,当众拍照。 Hewins allegedly targeted multiple women in Hinton and Edson, forcibly pulling down their pants and photographing them in public. 嫌犯已被逮捕,定于9月4日在Hinton法院出庭。 The suspect was arrested and is scheduled to appear in Hinton court on September 4.