美国建造的加沙人道主义援助码头因海浪冲击而受损,暂时拆除进行维修。 US-built Gaza pier for humanitarian aid damaged by rough seas, temporarily removed for repairs.
五角大楼称,美国军方在加沙海岸建造的用于运送人道主义援助的临时码头因海浪袭击而受损。 The US military-built temporary pier off Gaza's coast for humanitarian aid has been damaged by rough seas, according to the Pentagon. 该码头建成后的前 90 天共耗资 3.2 亿美元,约有 1,000 名美国军人参与其中,目前码头已暂时拆除以进行维修。 The pier, which cost $320 million for the first 90 days and involved around 1,000 US service members, has been temporarily removed for repairs. 它将在接下来的48小时内被拖至以色列阿什杜德港,然后在一周内进行修复并返回加沙海岸的原始位置。 It will be towed over the next 48 hours to Ashdod port in Israel before being repaired and returned to its original location off the coast of Gaza within a week.