由于安达洛路发生火灾,圣露西港的一名居民被迫离开家园,目前火灾原因正在调查中。 A Port St. Lucie resident was forced to leave their home due to a fire on Undallo Road, and the cause is under investigation.
周二凌晨,圣露西港安达洛路 500 街区发生火灾,一名居民被迫离开家。 A Port St. Lucie resident was forced to leave their home after a fire broke out early Tuesday morning in the 500 block of Undallo Road. 圣露西县消防局报告称屋顶冒出浓烟并燃起火焰,红十字会已呼叫人员前来协助流离失所的居民。 The St. Lucie County Fire District reported heavy smoke and flames coming from the roof, with the Red Cross called to assist the displaced resident. 火灾原因仍在调查中。 The cause of the fire remains under investigation.