格鲁吉亚盖恩斯维尔的房屋大火,住院人员住院,房屋所有者流离失所;原因正在调查中. House fire in Gainesville, Georgia, hospitalizes resident, displaces homeowner; cause under investigation.
格鲁吉亚Gainesville的一场房屋火灾,星期三清晨造成一名居民住院并流离失所。 A house fire in Gainesville, Georgia, early Wednesday morning left a resident hospitalized and displaced. 火灾被Hall县消防救援队扑灭,火灾主要发生在车库和Esther驱动道上一个拆散式房屋的主要居住区。 The fire, primarily in the garage and main living area of a split-level home on Esther Drive, was extinguished by Hall County Fire Rescue. 已通知美国红十字会向流离失所居民提供援助,Hall县消防局长办公室正在调查火灾原因。 The American Red Cross has been notified to assist the displaced resident, and the cause of the fire is under investigation by the Hall County Fire Marshal's Office.