Abbott资助的全球医生和实验室,或“病毒猎人”,对病毒样本进行排序,以查明新出现的与气候变化有关的威胁,并进行诊断测试。 Global doctors and labs, or 'virus hunters,' funded by Abbott, sequence virus samples to identify emerging threats related to climate change and develop diagnostic tests.
一个称为“病毒猎人”的全球医生和实验室联盟正在努力查明和预防新出现的病毒威胁,特别是与气候变化有关的病毒威胁。 A coalition of global doctors and laboratories, referred to as "virus hunters," is working to identify and prevent emerging viral threats, particularly those associated with climate change. 这一组人由Abbott资助,自2021年以来已测序了约13 000个样本,在泰国发现了象滴虫病毒之类的疾病,在哥伦比亚发现了Oropouche病毒。 Funded by Abbott, this group has sequenced about 13,000 samples since 2021, discovering illnesses like a tick-borne virus in Thailand and the Oropouche virus in Colombia. 它们的努力旨在随着气候变化扩大病媒的范围,发展诊断测试和加强大流行病防备工作。 Their efforts aim to develop diagnostic tests and enhance pandemic preparedness as climate change expands disease vectors' ranges.