西班牙国防部长玛格丽塔·罗伯斯和副总理约兰达·迪亚兹将加沙冲突称为“种族灭绝”。 Spanish Defence Minister Margarita Robles and Deputy Prime Minister Yolanda Diaz label Gaza conflict as "genocide".
西班牙国防部长玛格丽塔·罗夫莱斯称加沙冲突是“真正的种族灭绝”,因为马德里决定承认巴勒斯坦后,以色列和西班牙的关系变得紧张。 Spanish Defence Minister Margarita Robles has called the conflict in Gaza a "real genocide" amid strained relations between Israel and Spain following Madrid's decision to recognize Palestine. 罗伯斯的言论与西班牙副首相尤兰达·迪亚斯的言论如出一辙,后者也将加沙冲突描述为一场种族灭绝。 Robles' comments mirror those of Spanish Deputy Prime Minister Yolanda Diaz who also described the Gaza conflict as a genocide.