以色列部长批评Pope暗示以色列在加沙的行动可能是种族灭绝。 Israeli minister criticizes Pope for suggesting Israel's actions in Gaza could be genocide.
一位以色列政府部长批评教皇弗朗西斯(Pope Francis)暗示以色列在加沙的军事行动可能构成种族灭绝。 An Israeli government minister criticized Pope Francis for suggesting that Israel's military actions in Gaza might constitute genocide. 部长指责教皇轻描淡写这个词,将它与否认大屠杀相提并论。 The minister accused the Pope of trivializing the term, likening it to Holocaust denial. 以色列坚持认为,这种指控毫无根据,认为其行动针对哈马斯激进分子。 Israel maintains that such accusations are baseless, arguing its actions target Hamas militants. 梵蒂冈尚未对以色列提出的澄清请求作出回应。 The Vatican has not yet responded to Israel's request for clarification.