由于制造业和建筑业信心增强,德国商业前景连续第四个月改善。 Germany's business outlook improved for a fourth consecutive month due to increased confidence in manufacturing and construction sectors.
由于对制造业和建筑业表现更好信心增强,德国商业前景连续第四个月改善,避免了冬季经济衰退。 Germany's business outlook improved for a fourth consecutive month due to increased confidence in better performances for the manufacturing and construction sectors, avoiding a recession during winter. 该国经济私营部门活动有所回升,五月份扩张速度创下一年来最快,主要受服务业推动。 The country's economy experienced an uptick in private-sector activity, with the fastest expansion in a year in May, primarily driven by the services sector. 受益于通胀降温和工资强劲增长,预计消费将逐步恢复经济。 Consumers are expected to gradually revive the economy, benefiting from cooling inflation and strong wage gains.