2002 年成立的喀布尔智库阿富汗研究与评估单位 (AREU) 每年发布有关阿富汗挑战的 A 到 Z 指南,影响政策和研究。 2002-founded Kabul think tank, Afghanistan Research and Evaluation Unit (AREU), publishes annual A to Z Guide on Afghanistan's challenges, influencing policy and research.
阿富汗研究与评估组(AREU)于2002年在国际社会支持下成立,是一家位于喀布尔的智库,对阿富汗的社会、经济和政治挑战进行深入研究。 The Afghanistan Research and Evaluation Unit (AREU), founded in 2002 with international support, is a Kabul-based think tank that conducts in-depth research on Afghanistan's social, economic, and political challenges. 他们的旗舰出版物《A to Z Guide》自 2002 年起每年出版一次。 Their flagship publication, the A to Z Guide, has been published annually since 2002. AREU 的研究为阿富汗的政策提供了信息并促进了阿富汗的发展,同时他们的出版物也影响了学生、学者和其他研究人员的研究。 AREU's research has informed policy and contributed to the development of Afghanistan, while their publications have also influenced the research of students, academics, and other researchers.