俄罗斯生产炮弹的速度比乌克兰的西方盟友快 3 倍,成本仅为其 1/4。 Russia produces artillery shells 3x faster, 1/4 cost than Ukraine's Western allies.
贝恩公司向天空新闻台提供的分析显示,与乌克兰的西方盟友相比,俄罗斯生产炮弹的速度是其三倍,成本仅为其四分之一。 Russia is producing artillery shells three times faster and at a quarter of the cost compared to Ukraine's Western allies, according to an analysis by Bain & Company shared with Sky News. 这种巨大的产量差距凸显了乌克兰军队面临的挑战,乌克兰军队依赖美国和欧洲的弹药来对抗俄罗斯的全面入侵。 This significant production disparity highlights a challenge for Ukraine's military, which relies on ammunition from the U.S. and Europe to combat Russia's full-scale invasion.