周六晚,哥伦布市伊斯顿镇中心因停车场发生枪击事件而被临时封锁并疏散;无人受伤,确认有争斗,区域被视为安全,五人被警方拘留。 Easton Town Center in Columbus had a temporary lockdown and evacuation on Saturday night due to shots fired in a parking garage; no injuries, altercation confirmed, area deemed safe, five in police custody.
周六晚,哥伦布市伊斯顿镇中心停车场发生枪击事件,市中心被迫暂时封锁并疏散。 Easton Town Center in Columbus faced a temporary lockdown and evacuation on Saturday night as shots were fired in a parking garage. 没有人受伤,并证实双方发生了争吵。 No one was injured, and an altercation between two parties was confirmed. 哥伦布警察局和伊斯顿公共安全局随后做出了反应,认为该地区是安全的。 The Columbus Division of Police and Easton Public Safety responded, later deeming the area safe. 目前有五人被警方拘留,但他们与该事件的关系尚不清楚。 Five individuals are in police custody, but their relation to the incident remains unclear.